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Interest in medicinal herbalism is growing for lots of reasons: struggles with chronic health conditions; dealing with injury, post-surgical recovery or disease; the escalating cost of conventional remedies; experiences during COVID; childhood illnesses and bumps; reproductive issues; physical changes as we age; and, more.

Ultimately, we want to know more and decide more about our wellness efforts using helpful plants.

” What books should I start with?” I get this question a lot, and I’m glad people are asking. There are many excellent books available, and there are lots of questionable resources in print and on the web.

I’ve pulled together a short, annotated list of books for the beginner, and for the herbal student already on their path. (And aren’t we all students!) I have spent many, many hours with each of these books because they provide credible information and instruction. I go back to them again and again because they were written by highly experienced clinical herbalists and teachers (all Registered Herbalists with the American Herbalist Guild or the British counterpart), and because the writing is clear and engaging.

This list is a tiny sampling of the books on the market today. I hope one or more of them will serve you well. As you begin, or continue your dive into herbal studies, don’t forget that time in the field with the plants is critical to learning. Let me know what you’re finding valuable.