So much happened this summer! The University of Wisconsin installed a WISCONET weather station behind the house (Check it out for free. We’re the Clear…
Book Picks
Interest in medicinal herbalism is growing for lots of reasons: struggles with chronic health conditions; dealing with injury, post-surgical recovery or disease; the escalating cost…
Time to Book Your Safari!!
It’s snowing sideways – perfect weather for booking your Herbal Safari adventure! This cold won’t last, and there’s a full calendar of guided tours and…
Will work for weeds
It’s amazing how perceptions can shift your attitude. While sipping coffee this morning, I did a lot of grumbling about my garden beds filled with…
Weeds may be your best crop
Got lots of weeds in your garden/lawn? Before hitting them with an herbicide or hoe, consider this: you might destroy some really effective helpers. I…
From Grazing Cattle to Medicinal Herbs, Trees and Shrubs
Hi. I’m Sylvia Burgos Toftness. Welcome. Where my previous blog, From the Bronx to the Barn, was about our journey into grass-fed beef farming. We…